Flight Tickets to Vietnam, How to Save Money?

You can't generally haggle for a lower price on flight tickets to Vietnam (unless you use a bidding site), but there are a few habits that can help you find the lowest price possible for an airline ticket. Check out these easy tips for saving money on your business travel flights.

flights tickets to vietnam
Flight tickets to vietnam

1. Compare Flight Tickets to Vietnam

You should definitely start out your search for the cheapest airline tickets by heading to one of the large travel booking websites, where you can compare costs across multiple airlines simultaneously.

2. Visit the Airline Websites Directly

Since you may be paying a fee to book flight tickets to Vietnam through one of the online flight booking sites, a stop at the airline website can generally save you a little money, and may offer flights not published on the aggregate booking sites. Don't be afraid to call an airline customer service number to make a reservation with a real person - they have access to information that isn't available online.

3. Choose Alternative Airports

Depending on how much time you have to get to your destination (or how important saving money is to you or your company), you can usually find cheaper flights at smaller, not-as-centrally located airports. You need to consider, however, the cost and time it may take you to travel to your destination.

4. Fly Discount Airlines

The budget airlines (which, nowadays, tend to offer more frills than the major airlines) often fly into alternate airports, so be sure to consider Southwest and JetBlue when researching your flight options.

5. Book in Advance and Be Flexible

Booking flight tickets to Vietnam more than 21 days in advance of travel can save you money, but isn't always feasible for the business traveler. Opting for the non-direct flights and flying through regional airports can keep the ticket price down, as will flying midweek (avoiding Monday and Friday travel). Always consider the cost of another night at a hotel before opting to spend additional time on the road.

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