Booking tickets to Vietnam to visit Ha Noi Capital

The capital of Vietnam is still far more traditional than the larger Saigon in the south. There aren’t a lot of must-see sites, but the pleasant (though chaotic) city center makes up for that, with excellent food and drink at very low prices.You can buy a cheap flight tickets to Vietnam visiting this capital.
Tickets to Vietnam

Most of the cheaper hotels are right in the Old City, and more up-market hotels tend to be in the nicer suburbs to the south and west. Standards are higher than you might expect, and many places have free Wi-Fi in the lobby or even in all the rooms.
Tickets to Vietnam
Attractions cost almost nothing by Western standards, so your sightseeing budget goes a long way. As long as you avoid an organized bus tour then you can get by on a tiny budget. The popular overnight trips to Halong Bay and multi-day trips to Sapa can range in price greatly, and often the cheap versions are great, though it’s always a bit of a crapshoot.
Tickets to Vietnam
Local food is extremely cheap by most standards, with full meals in tourist restaurants usually costing between US$2 and 3, with cold beer adding around $1 each. Other alcohol is more expensive, but still cheap compared to most places.
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