How to find cheap airfare Vietnam?

Finding cheap flights to Vietnam’s International Airports: Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Lat, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Hue, Nha Trang and Phu Quoc is easier than you might expect, even for business class flights. Why? Competition.
No matter where you are in the world, cheap Vietnam flights exist from every part of the world.
With half-a-dozen domestic airlines such as Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific Airlines, VietJet Air, Mekong and VASCO...
Cheap airfare Vietnam

And more than three dozen international carriers such as Qantas, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and China Eastern flying to Vietnam’s eight International Airports, you can find travel deals to Vietnam on low cost and full service airlines, economy and business class flights.
Which airline will offer you the best prices on cheap airfare Vietnam? Well that depends. Use my tried-and-true three best tips on finding the cheapest fares.

1) Find Cheap Flights to Vietnam - avoid extra fees

You will probably know that a lot of online airline flight booking sites that offer ridiculously low prices.

Here’s the pitfall – Some online airfare booking sites show cheap fares, and then pile on extra booking fees.

This makes you pay more! Especially when you’re buying more than 1 ticket, these fees can seriously add up.

Solution – Here’s one way to find cheap flights to Vietnam, the one that will ‘truly’ save you money on airline tickets every time.

If you want to save money book through a site that doesn't charge booking fees or any other gimmicks, such as, They offer the same low fares as the other companies, but charge NO FEES. They don’t try to hide anything. They show the final amount -exactly what you will pay for with tax.

For example, Priceline saves you money through two ways:

Choose your flight by putting your destination, dates, carrier and cabin class and they’ll show you the lowest cost options.
Name your own price. Enter your departure and destination information, plus the departing and arriving date, and Priceline will check prices recently paid by others, and then enter your bid. Priceline will search for the cheapest flights to Vietnam. You can usually save 50% on last minute fares and 40% on others.
Want to be certain that you are getting the best deal?

Search for last minute flight deals on Also, they do no charge fees on single carrier flights.

But to be triple certain of getting the cheapest airfare set up an alert through Airfarewatchdog. Go to and enter your information. They'll notify you through email about cheap flights to Vietnam whenever they become available.

2) Be flexible -If Possible

You’ll find the cheapest flights to Vietnam if you can be flexible about your travel dates.

Seriously if you can, avoid peak travel times.

Tet holiday and Christmas attract fierce airline fare competition, but due to the mass of overseas Vietnamese coming back to Vietnam to celebrate, overbookings occur. Good luck finding cheap flights to Vietnam during this time!

What if you need to travel during these busy periods? Getting cheap airfare Vietnam can be done, but it requires lots of advance planning. Book your flight reservations as early as possible!

3) Save with "Flight plus Hotel" Package

Finding cheap flights to Vietnam is nice. But it gets even sweater when you book both flight and hotel package and SAVE on both.

How it works? Simple, you get the lowest insider rates for both

Bad – Limited in choice

For flights and hotel packages I like Travelocity (Again no FEES) because they’re very clear in their information and offer BIG SAVINGS on packages.

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