Booking cheap flights Hanoi to explore Mai Chau valley

You want to visit Hanoi for your vacation. You still have not decided to book cheap flights Hanoi .Because Ha noi have many place to visit that make you are confused. I recommend you a beautiful valley to explore - Mai Chau. 130km from Ha Noi, the Mai Chau valley (Mai Chau district, Hoa Binh province) is the destination of hundreds of thousand local and foreign tourists each year.

The tourists start from Ha Noi, going on the number 6 National Highway, pass Xuan Mai town and reach Hoa Binh city. Then, they drive over the 12km Cun slope, through Cao Phong province, through Tan Lac province and it is Mai Chau valley.

Mai Chau valley


Mai Chau is a small town, the hotels are the same and not outstanding. Currently, Mai Chau Lodge resort has been built and it looks quite beautiful and courteous. In addition, this place organizes boating tours Kayak on Hoa Binh lake and let the tourists enjoy a funny and relax time.

If going there in groups, you should stay at stilt houses which can contain 40-60 people. The air here is cool, and it is quite fully equipped like blankets, mosquitoes nets, mattresses, fans, televisions, karaoke…

Stilt houses in Mai Chau are available mostly in Lac village and the prices are equal to each other, that’s why you don’t need to hesitate to choose one.


Normally, every stilt house has its cooking places for visitors. You can order the meal with your favorite dishes.

There are many specialties in Mai Chau, but the most delicious is sticky rice in a bamboo pipe eating with hill country chicken, Muong pork, and streamline fish steamed with dong leaves, boiled choyotes dipped with sesame salt…

You should not forget Rượu cần ( wine drunk out of a jar through pipes). One container has the price of 70 thousand dongs.

Ruou Can in Mai Chau

Relaxing Activities

The specific attraction for the tourists to come to Mai Chau is camp fire. The camp fire service at Mai Chau is professional. The tourists will be served everything including a camp fire and even speakers, provided that you order with the stilt house owner. Therefore, you should not forget to bring corns, sweet potatoes, sugar canes to bake over the fire.

Moreover, you can hire bamboo pole to dance beside the fire, which seems an unforgettable moment for the tourists.

In Mai Chau, visitors can go shopping and take photographs of souvenir items, it is no problem if you don’t want to buy anything. You can rent a colorful ethnic dress to take some photos after wearing it with the cheap price of 10 to 20 thousand dongs.

Souvenir items


People traveling to Mai Chau often recognize everything cheap and bring home a lot, especially Meo cabbages, and grapefruits. However the price at each booth is not the same. You should ask the price at some places before purchasing.

In contradictory, the price of souvenir items is nearly fixed. The seller does not give the two high price.
 Wow! that is attraction place to visit. Booking a cheap flights Hanoi now!

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