Travel tip : Price guide in Vietnam

You decided to buy a fare to Vietnam that discovering the beauty of Vietnam, a small country locating on the eastern seaboard of Indochina peninsula, to sailing along the Red River delta or set your foot on white sand and feel by your own way? But have you ever hesitated about bargain in Vietnam? Carefully prepare yourself with basic knowledge and you will never have to worry about anything.Vietnam airlines suggest you several useful prices as following:

1. Transport

“Xe om” (motorbike taxi): 10,000 VND

Public bus: 5,000 VND/ride

2. Grooming

Shoeshine: 9,000 VND/pair

Hairwash: 25,000 VND

Street haircut: 30,000 VND

Street-side laundry (giat la): 10,000 VND/item

3. Food

“Pho” (beef noodle soup): 25,000 VND/bowl

Plain baguette: 2,000 VND/loaf

Bananas: 2,000 VND/each

4. Rain gear

Plastic rain poncho: 5,000 VND for thin

50,000 VND for thick

5. Key contact (phone numbers)

Exit code : 84

Operator : 110

Police : 113

Fire : 114

Enquires : 116

Information : 1080

Info center : 1081

Medical aid : 115

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