Best Time to Book Flights Hanoi

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is preferred over the more crowded locations such as Ho Chi Minh City in the south, because of its charm and original culture and historical influence. Travelers are advised to book flights Hanoi when the climate is best: in early spring or throughout autumn & stay away from the hot and humid weather and summer rainy periods. As the year ends, the city becomes most crowded and hotel prices soar.

flight hanoi
flights Hanoi

I booked flights Hanoi to visit Hanoi during Tet, the Vietnamese New Year celebration; the biggest holiday of the entire year. Tradition states that the days prior to the holiday, people are to bring special gifts to the individuals they wish to impress. Since there is a high demand for specialties, shops pop up all over town. City streets are filled with vendors selling hoa doa; peach trees that equal the sentiment of an American Christmas tree. It is a truly exciting time and one I’ll not forget in a long time!

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